Lead Statue Finder / Main Contact:
BTAG: Geekygreek7#1439
Server contact:
All supported servers
Punkstrike - Whitemane
Worldofpunks - Atiesh
LPAB - Whitemane
Plater - Atiesh
Long time WoW Player (since vanilla), previously GM of <Wacraft> (Atiesh), raided with <Fusion> (Benediction) during Black Temple / Sunwell. Currently Main Tank in <Blitz> guild on Whitemane (Horde). Was doing Retail WoW until Classic came out and have been full focus on that since. I do often support Retail Camel finds but mostly focusing on Classic at the moment.
I've been an avid mount collector since the old days, with mounts ranging from all TCG mounts, MOP World Boss Mounts (before it was nerfed), all the way to Blizzard Bear!
If you have any interest in joining the Camel Hunting Team, feel free to shoot me a message and let me know what server/faction you are on so we can help others out in getting theirs!