Celestial Towers is a regularly reoccurring event in Battle Camp. Players battle their way up two towers full of monsters, to earn tokens that let their troop battle the raid boss in the center of the map.
There are two towers - the Sun Tower and the Moon Tower, each with 10 floors. Players must start at floor one in each tower. By defeating monsters on a floor, the next floor of that tower is unlocked. (Progress is reset for all players each time the event happens, so any progress you made last time is lost.)
Each floor is similar to the cave quests that show up on the regular maps. It costs 3-5 energy to start battling on a floor. Each floor consists of several "waves" of monsters you have to defeat in succession. All waves have to be defeated in order to clear the floor, unlock the next floor, and earn rewards.
As in caves, tower monsters are never captured when defeated, so there's no opportunity to level your monsters while participating in the event. Floors get harder as you go up, with significant difficulty increases at level 4, 7, and 10. Also, higher floors have more waves, so expect them to take longer.
All tower monsters have a chance to drop Event Tokens (these are the general-purpose tokens with an "E" on them that can be used across different events). Additionally, clearing a floor gets you an Event Token, trophies, and some amount of either Sun or Moon Emblems, depending on the level you're on.
The boss monster, the Warden, sits in the middle of the main Celestial Towers map, between the two towers. This monster requires a donation of either Sun or Moon Emblems in order for your troop to raid against him. What type of emblem he demands for a given raid is random, but each successive raid will require more donations. The boss gives the troop a large number of trophies when defeated, spread between players based on who did the most damage.
Possible Tower Wardens
Type: Fire
Stun - This boss usually stuns in the same turn as swap activates
So make sure to get a water hit in the turn before your able to swap, in order to keep the bar down.
Venom - One being venom which will hit you for 30k damage per tick (per turn). It's better not to use autocast during this fight as it could screw it up if you are using one water monster to keep the bar down.
TIPS: Heal through Venom if it activates (keep a priest in your party for this). Do not use autocast for this fight as it could make the boss ability bar top off.
Boss fight video: http://youtu.be/LO2jA9ZydjE
Like most events, there are three ways to earn rewards in Celestial Towers:
Trophy rewards - These are set rewards for earning certain quantities of trophies. These are the only rewards that are payed out immediately, as soon as the player has accumulated the necessary amount of trophies.
Leaderboard rewards - These are rewards for the player's individual performance in the event, as compared to all the other players. All players are ranked on the individual leaderboard, which is separated into tiers. For example, the ten players with the most trophies are in tier one, and the 11-40th place players are in tier two. Leaderboard positions are finalized at the end of the event, and shortly afterward each player earns a reward based on their individual tier.
Troop Leaderboard rewards - These work the same as the individual leaderboard rewards, but ranks are based on an entire troop's performance, as compared to other troops.
All rewards can be viewed from the Events tab of the Quests menu. Current individual and troop trophies, ranks and tiers can be viewed in the Leaders menu (which only shows up during the event). Your individual trophies and rank are also viewable from the blue ribbon on the left side of the screen. However, be aware that ranks can take several hours to update.
All of the monsters on a given tower floor will always be of the same element. If you fail to beat a floor, you may have an easier time by swapping in monsters of the opposing element.
If you run into a wall, where you simple can't beat a level, don't keep wasting energy on it. The tower difficulties ramp up quickly, and your team may simply not be strong enough to move beyond that point. Better to get some tokens and emblems by beating a lower floor, than to waste energy failing a higher floor repeatedly.
Don't save up your emblems. The boss will randomly demand either Sun or Moon Emblems, and you will sometimes have a long streak where he only demands one type. If your troop donates enough to start the raid and you're stuck with a pile of the ones he doesn't want, that's essentially wasted energy, sitting in your inventory.
Celestial Towers is an event that can earn you a lot of Event Tokens. Remember that these tokens have uses in each event, so you can always save them up for later use.
On the other hand, if you have a lot of Event Tokens you're willing to spend, this is a great event to use them. The event vendor sells leaf, water and fire specials, as well as trophies and bonus energy, for relatively low quantities of event tokens.