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Daygon & Drusk Rock boss (full rock team POV)

  • There are 4 phases of monster groups before the boss actually comes up. Mixed group of rock monsters at first I feel it's always better to just use the strongest team you have through the beginning phases of any LT boss (before the boss actually shows up). Be mindful of the shields and reflects. For shields, just use quick dummy moves (quick move to get rid of bad gems) until the shield is removed, then unload. For reflect, do the same. NEVER HIT WHILE REFLECT IS UP! (unless you have inv casted)
  • After the first sets of mobs, at around 40-50% or so it's the final boss, Daygon & Drusk… As first or second boss in the Lost Temple boss order it's fairly easy. Just keep the left wind boss's ability bar down by hitting him with rock and that's it. You are even able to hit both of them with rock off the bat initually. But if D&D was the 4th or 5th boss in Lost Temple, if you have a rock team like I do, you have to target the wind boss before every hit to make sure you don't hit the rock boss on the right). Otherwise his ability bar will fill up and he will cast one of the moves below.
  • They have multiple moves depending on what number boss they are in the LT Boss sequence; Invincible, Stun and Burst. He will stun on the move right before swap and invincible, no matter if his ability bar is full or not. So if his ability bar is not lowered enough to be able to burn a quick move to remove stun, it will top off after stun is removed and he will either cast invincible or burst. You have to make sure his ability bar is lowered significantly by the time he casts stun.
A good strat to use as a 4th or 5th crystal boss is to target the left wind boss and hit, and continue to target him before each turn and hit him with rock (make sure his ability bar doesn't climb). Right when swap is able to be activated, invincible should be too. Pop invincible, swap and elemental swap (if you have it) and unload with 5 gem combos so you will hit both of them. This will give you tons of damage and when the Rock boss's ability bar fills (right), he will HOPEFULLY use a huge leech move that would normally kill you, but with invincibilty, will do nothing. At that time you can unload again for your final move. 
***Some tips: Make sure auto cast is removed because of the rock boss. Don't want to have autocasts taking up time between moves, or allowing the rock boss's ability bar to fill up if you hit him with rock. 


Created By:

Name: David

IGN: Unicornink

Troop: Unicorn Powers






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