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Suggestions to PennyPop

(from fans/dedicated players)

  • Below we've created a list of suggestions we'd love to see in the game. This list is compiled from long time players (veterans) that only want whats BEST for the game. We love Penny, otherwise we woulnd't go through all this trouble. We see the potential this game has and hope to help extend the longevity of the game. 

Troop War Changes

Priority Level: 9

I really think that there's just too much time spent on hitting the flag (which is boring) when there should be more time spent hitting the troop pet. Even you guys mentioned that you created dynamic bosses and healing actives and passives to make the game more interesting, and yet troop wars still has not been updated to reflect this neat change. 

I really think the troop pets should be focused on and enhanced a bit more. Leveling the pets should be easier than it is, and they should have awesome abilities that require specific team setups to defeat them (for example say water pet heals a lot and requires lacerate on your team to make up for it. Or leaf pet uses poison which requires a strong healer on your team). This works in your favor too because this requires people to set up different types of teams and would require more monsters to get. 

The new troop pets could apply to the pet ONLY (as they did before), and no bonus damage to the flag. This is great because some people in a troop could go for new "troop pet teams" and do some major damage with these monsters and then the rest of the players either have the option to hit too, or wait until flag is available for double damage. The damage bonus you get from these monsters should NOT be applied to anything that gives bonus trophies. This is the huge mistake that should have been caught before this last update. 

So in order to make this effective and keep everyone happy (especially the people that just spun all these new troop war monsters), adjust the health of our troop pets so they don't die so fast (like they do now). Then eventually when people are leveling their pets up, people will WANT to go for these new monsters because troop pets will be much harder to kill. But we can't just throw it on the community like it was done in this last update and expect them to adjust that fast.


Troopers! Prepare for big changes you will love! Because we’ve heard what you had to say about waiting for energy, you will now never log in and have nothing to do! Now all battle camp players will never run out of energy. Minimum energy is now always increased to 1 energy (you can never have 0 energy again!)


This means now you will always have something to do in battle camp. Whether it's farming specials, rare pieces, commons, or finishing your single energy quests. Of course in any cases where you need more than one energy (event boss multiplayer, Lost Temple, quests that require more than one energy, etc), you will need to either regen or purchase energy as you normally do. 


---Questions and concerns---

Q. Can't people just farm specials, commons and rares all day?

A. Sure, and why is that a bad thing? People deserve to progress in the game by the amount of time they put into it. Just like the option to farm in any mmo game, you are not limited by the amount of time (energy) you can do play but still limited due to things like storage space. Plus commons, specials and rares isn’t going to put them over anyone else that spends for event prizes.


Q. What about people farming nonstop with one energy for event bosses?

A. Again, people deserve the chance to get further in the game if they put more time into it. This still doesn't put non spenders above spenders as they will only hit with one energy every minute while spenders can hit with 10x energy every minute. The multiplier most likely needs to be raised significantly, starting at 2 energy (as well as the bosses health). This will eliminate the false thought of efficiently farming only at 1 energy. If they spend all day hitting the boss with 1 energy then they deserve whatever amount of trophies they are getting for it. 


Q. What about combos on bosses? Would this give everyone the chance to keep them up all the time?

A. Combos are still falling off with full 25 man troops, it's going to happen when people are inactive either way. The goal is to get the users to spend for energy when fighting the boss (or wait until they hit cap) so they can hit higher amounts. 


Q. What does this mean for non spenders and farming for events?

A. This is great as it not only gives highly active non spenders a chance to join top troops with spenders (if they can pull their weight by farming a lot), but this will support the spenders enough to hit the boss with their gold and not sit around waiting for specials to be farmed and donated all the time. $$


Q. What does this do to the value of boosters?

A. Well if you think about it, a majority of boosters will now be much more valuable since, instead of waiting for your energy to replenish while your booster is ticking away, you are able to use it to its max potential by still always having something to do for the full half hour duration. 

Q. But doesn't that mean people can pop their xp boosters and level up a little faster than they can now? 

A. Yes! Yes it does! :-)

Perhaps we can add the option to buy boosters with gold in the near future too! 


Q. How will this benefit the casual players that aren't very active in the first place?

A. This will benefit them just as much, if not more. You wouldn't think it but many of us BC players are hardworking businessmen with busy daytime jobs or many players are even kids with school to worry about where we get minimal amount of breaks in between. With this type of system, we can pick up the game on our break and go as long as we want until break is done, instead of spending 2 minutes using 5 energy, then waiting around 10 more minutes just for 1 more energy. This can be extremely frustrating and unmotivated to pick up and play the game. And it just doesn't make any sense for the longevity of the game.  




If you review the ratings on Battle Camp on the iTunes app store, the majority of negative ratings have to do with "energy taking too long to recover", or "I spend more time waiting than playing". 

So I decided to have a handful of my closest friends download the game to give it a try. Every single one of them told me the same thing. That they sat around waiting to play more than they spent time playing. They eventually got frustrated with it and deleted the game.


Another thing to think about here is that the top troops will not only have the biggest spenders but the most active farmers, collectively working together to progress at different levels. Spenders need the farming support, and farmers need the spending support.


The main point is, you shouldn't have to wait around to play a game. This has never been the case with any of the previous games we grew up with or even play now. It's a counterproductive idea and needs to be eliminated if you want to improve your game ratings, longevity and the amount of people that play. If it would make more sense doing it this way; perhaps just eliminating the cost of energy for fighting commons and uncommons would solve the whole issue. 


Please hear us out Penny. 

Energy Replenishment 

Priority Level: 10

Probably one of the most important mentions of this list; Energy cap NEEDS to be raised to higher than 5. Main reason for this is that we have busy businessmen (the ones that spend the most in this game) that would love to check into the game during our work day every 2 hours instead of every 50 minutes. And it makes them angry because it's energy wasted. Some have even left the game for this reason alone. If we can cap it to at LEAST 10, or maybe have this as one of the perks for getting to level 60 (even cooler idea!), that would be a change EVERYONE would be extremely happy with.

Priority Level: 10

Raise Energy Cap

Leveling Passives

Priority Level: 9

Fix the way we level passives. No more wasting lethal ultras you've worked a whole event to get just to have it fail at 80% feed chance. Also remove the cost of stone to passive leveling while removing the ability to increase the level of the monster. Make it a seperate system completely (leveling the monster or leveling the passive of the monster; shoulnd't be done through the same feeding system). Thousands of stone to gain one passive level on a PE epic? Not cool.

Allow the option to trade more things than just monsters. In games like World of Warcraft, you are able to trade potions, buffs, even gold! You see how successful they have been with it. It would open up a whole new dynamic with the game and would really expand playability and the amount of users playing. 

Priority Level: 9

Trading More

TRADING IN-GAME!!!! No friend limits!!! Allow trading in game and unlimited and instant between people in the same troop.
More likely than not, you don't have to worry about hackers trading off your monsters when you can only instantly trade with someone in the same troop as you. This adds another step of security with trading and is a great idea!

Priority Level: 8

Trading in Game

Created By:

Name: David

IGN: Unicornink

Troop: Unicorn Powers






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