St. Xenia camp
-- Orthodox Youth Program --
St. Xenia Orthodox Camp provides a fun, spiritual retreat with counselors and staff who serve as role models and mentors, offering a week of fellowship, prayer, and instruction in Holy Tradition that campers can carry with them.

Saint Paul’s Fellowship of Labor gives viewers a glimpse into the Saint Xenia Camp experience with this beautiful testimonial video.
Thank you SPFL for your hard work and your love for our camp!
Visit www.thespfl.org for more information about their
incredible missionary work all around the world!

This documentary on the history of St. Xenia Camp may give you some idea of why camp holds such a special place in the hearts of its campers and volunteers.
A big thanks to the Schenone family for monumentalizing this special experience and legacy! Visit the California Pilgrim for more edifying videos about Orthodox Pilgrimages and lives of the saints!