You might remember my services in the past with either the Uldum (Grey Riding Camel) Mount or maybe you've done Gold Exchanges with me before. Well many friends I've helped so far suggested I do the same for the *ULTRA RARE* Long-Forgotten Hippogryph Mount! So here I am!
I've been studying this mount since it was first known and have invested lots of time and farming to figure out the kinks and I'm here to help you get it. I'm currently working with a small team to make this happen!
We have multiple toons on multiple accounts parked at spawn locations on certain servers waiting for these crystals to come up. Once it is found, we go through clicking the crystals and finding all 5. Once the fifth is found, we go through and invite the next person in line to group (highest bid offer) to come click the rest of the crystals and obtain their mount. And that's it! You've got the simple and easy part!
Well, just like Camels, we are on a private bidding system. People message us with their offers and we categorize them into our sheet from highest to lowest. When a crystal is found, the highest offer is contacted and invited to group. If they are not online at the time, it moves to the next person on the list (this happens pretty often). So when referring to how much, you ask yourself, how much is the mount worth to you? Sometimes this spawns once a week, sometimes none at all (that we know of). Who know's what changes they will make to CRZ and sharding so we are taking advantage of this now before any changes are made.
For us to avoid getting scammed by "bidders", I will only accept full payment once a crystal is found. You will be contacted and payment will be made on the spot before invite is sent out to you or locations are revealed to you. So please be ready as this is a timed event and anyone is able to go click the crystals and unlock the mount. If you take too long to answer or pay gold, the next person in line will be invited to group!
Just like with camels, we accept gold on all U.S./Oceanic/Latin American Servers, either faction.
Unfortunately in order to actually receive the mount, you will need to be on an alliance character to be grouped with us (minimum level 100 - to survive any damage that might come from mobs). But we will accept payment on horde toons (our horde alts from different servers).
I have offered similar services in the past and have gotten only awesome reviews. You can view them all from our Grey Riding Camel sales at http://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20742945193.
I wouldn't do anything to risk my rep or account. I've been playing since Vanilla and continue to keep good terms with everyone! If that's not enough for you then sorry! :)
If you're interested feel free to contact me in game (Worldofpunks-Proudmoore) or invite me on battlenet (Geekygreek7#1439). You can also check out the site I've made (www.longforgottenhippo.com) for any further information.
Like before, we offer a referral system. You will get 10% of the payment that was made if transaction is completed. So tell your friends and guildies!
Good luck everyone! And thank you!