In order to run waypoints, I recommend downloading two mods. One would be TomTom (which allows you to create waypoints on your map) and the other mod would be Paste. Paste allows you to copy and paste the waypoint list I have to the right and allows you to paste it in ONE large macro rather than having to split it up in different macros. To activate Paste, simply type "/paste show". Once this is brought up you can paste the large macro inside the box and press "Paste and Close" to start your journey.

When someone in zone clicks on the 5th crystal, you will see this emote...
The clickable items are called Ephemeral Crystals and they are bright pinkish-purple. They are ONLY found in the Aszuna zone in Broken Isles.
There are a total of 5 crystals you need to click before obtaining the mount. There is only one crystal is up at first, then once that one is clicked, the second is spawned and so on. Since this is the case, then after you find a crystal, you'll want to recheck areas again that you've already checked. Which also means that taking a group of friends to help you find them and cover areas is your best bet. If you are split up and see 4 crystals up at once, it likely means someone else is also clicking the crystals and is extremely close to clicking the 5th one.
When you click a crystal, it is rumored that you get a hidden aura/buff (Crystal Dummy Aura). There are 5 different buffs and each one are unique. When the first crystal is found, you would get Crystal Dummy Aura 1, followed by the Aura number 2 when the second crystal is clicked. It has been witnessed (by a reliable source) that once you click a crystal and receive this hidden aura (which is rumored to last 8 hours, but cannot confirm if that is true), you cannot click the crystal again. This applies to ALL SERVERS/SHARDS. If you have clicked three crystals on one server, but move to another server and see a crystal in a new location, you might not be able to click it if it gives a hidden aura/buff that you already have. So for example, if you click crystal 2 and receive buff #2, then if you hop servers and see a crystal in a new location that also will give buff #2 (remember, since these aura/buffs are hidden you will not be able to tell right off the bat), you will not be able to click it. With that said, you can technically start clicking on one server and if you lose it to someone else, you should be able to finish it on another server.
If you die after clicking crystals you will need to go back and click them again.
There is no order in which you need to click the crystals.
They can spawn as close to 12 hours timeframe (since patch 7.1) within the last spawn (on same server). Finds have been found only 12 hours after server reset.
You can even be as low as level 1 and click them/see them, and you are still able to see them after you've gotten the mount yourself (confirmed by me).
You cannot trade the mount to someone that is next to you when you claim and loot the final 5th crystal (personally tested this).
All spots have been found and recorded. There are a few spots that are listed below without screenshots. These are just recorded by others and not actually confirmed. After finding hundreds of mounts for other people I'm continuing to remove waypoints that do not have confirmed screenshots just to narrow down the false recordings to have all the correct ones instead. There are couple that have screenshots which I have yet to see still (North Fel Camp for example).
Click 5 in a row and the mount appears in your bags. Gotta be the first one to click all 5 crystals. When the 5th crystal is clicked by someone, they all disappear.
After clicking the 5th crystal, the emote: "You hear a faint caw in the distance, then silence" is seen in chat by everyone in the zone on the same Shard.
Best source of information is in the comments on wowhead.com. Try to avoid any discord channels as not all members are truthful; there are many trolls trying to give you false finds and waypoints and not enough good discord admins to be on top of this. :(
Some Sources:

Above are ACTUAL SCREENSHOTS of the crystals (PROOF!)
(including coordinates and screenshot examples)
Thanks to all the people that provided the screenshots! Credit goes to them!
My find (9/22/16 - 1:03am EST)

Updated - 1/14/17
/way 29.90, 26.55 (on island)
/way 30.30 23.95 (In the cave)
/way 29.85 35.87 (Between some dead trees)
/way 30 36 (in the corner crack between the hills on an island)
/way 34.91 17.15 (Behind the ruins)
/way 34.8 35.3 (on another cliff edge)
/way 34.6 35.7 (in cave at the bottom of the hill)
/way 35 22 (beachside near the water)
/way 36.6 12.2 (out in the open)
/way 36 23 (between 2 trees on the road)
/way 35.6 37.8 (Next to tree - Llothien Highlands)
/way 36 36 (on cliff edge)
/way 37 21.75 (By the tree)
/way 37.5 32.9 (nor'danil wellspring - behind the wall next to bush and tree)
/way 38.69 9.31 (on green land next to bush)
/way 40.3 32.8 (next to tree)
/way 40.55 37.6 (center of road - beside tree)
/way 40.72 35.90 (next to tree)
/way 41.4 31 (inside Llothien Grizzly Cave to the right)
/way 42.2 8.5 (on hillside)
/way 42.66 18.06 (inside Runa’s Hovel Cave on rock between spine and skull)
/way 42.2 62.3 (on the hill near the Cove Skrog)
/way 43 28 (behind tree next to Doomlord Kazrok)
/way 44.1 59.8 (on the tiny hill next to the ship)
/way 45.5 17.2 (next to the lake, where lake turns to river)
/way 45.42 45.42 (Next to tree, east of Illidari Stand flight path)
/way 45 53.6 (at the coast, inside the broken half of a ship (hard to see from almost every angle)
/way 46.56, 8.53 (in the lost Orchard next to tree)
/way 46.90 17.75 (At the top of the slope)
/way 46.9 49 (up on hill (above the neutral giants - behind tree)
/way 46.58 53.60 (Between some rocks, by the sleeping bears)
/way 47.1 25.8 (Next to the blue crystal lake where Senegos lies)
/way 47.2 33 (next to the river)
/way 47.30 61.90 (Between 2 rocks)
/way 48.88 45.61 (On a rock)
/way 48 48 (next to the two neutral giants at the bottom of the valley)
/way 48.05 52.70 (In the cave next to some piles of gold)
/way 48.57 57.28 (inside broken ship inside Giant’s cave)
/way 49 8 (on little rock inside Lair of the Deposed cave)
/way 49.4 24 (inside bushes, behind shrine, up on a hill (overlooking Azurewing Repose)
/way 49.39 27.70 (next to tree - a little hidden)
/way 49.3 31.5 (a bit south from Azurewing Repose, Corner of hill behind bush)
/way 49.30 50.55 (Behind the sleeping giant)
/way 49.18, 53.54 (On a cliff just above the bridge where Warbringer Mox'na patrols)
/way 49.28 58.03 (By the broken pillar right next to bride and groom)
/way 50.5 16.4 (between 3 trees on the left with one of those unicorn horses)
/way 50.5 20.3 (inside Inside Layhallow (crystal) cave at 47.9, 24.8)
/way 50 33.1 (Next to shells and hut in murloc area)
/way 50.73 49.89 (inside the cave with some neutral NPCs at Shipwreck Arena)
/way 50.48 56.99 (in the cave to the left, close to eternal bride and groom)
/way 51.4, 37.6 (underwater closer to Mrrgrl rare elite)
/way 51 65 (next to the tied rope around the poles)
/way 51 75 (island of watchers cave by roots)
/way 51.8, 57.6 (Corner next to broken ship in Oceanus Cove)
/way 52.4 13.4 (next to tree - Rhut'van Passage)
/way 52.29 25.10 (off road, next to tree (a little hidden)
/way 52.15 31.85 (By the shrine)
/way 52.96 35.94 (Under the water next to Narthalas Academy)
/way 52.7 57.9 (Up on hill around giants)
/way 53.36 26.08 (Between the 3 trees, to the left of the path)
/way 53.70 28.05 (In the cave by the river)
/way 53.61 63.36 (By torch inside alcove)
/way 54.33 26.03 (next to roots of tree)
/way 54.8 28 (behind tree next to lake)
/way 54.1 27.6 (behind cement hut in bushes)
/way 54.8 28 (behind tree next to lake)
/way 54.5 33.5 (In lake next to basilisks)
/way 54.85 52.25 (Inside cave where Cole neutral mob is)
/way 55.55 10.30 (Up the side of the cliff)
/way 55.9 29.4 (inside the three pillars to the right of the building where Pridelord Meowl is)
/way 55.56 32.72 (Bottom of cliff, next to tree)
/way 55 55 (bottom of hill)
/way 56 12 (By the pink flower)
/way 56.9 38.84 (at the edge of land and water)
/way 56.92 26 (inside the cave in Llothein, entrance is at 55.74, 25.46)
/way 56 40 (in the lake under the bridge)
/way 57.40 16.79 (At Ley-Ruins of Zarkhenar on edge of hill)
/way 57.5 26.6 (next to the road)
/way 57 31 (next to tree in the middle of circle)
/way 57.69 42.31 (Inside cave with big giant)
/way 58.22 24.65 (By tree on the top of cliff)
/way 58.81 45.02 (In cave at Ruins of Nar’thalas on rock between spine and skull (Commander Eksis mob in there)
/way 59.75 27.84 (behind tree)
/way 59.7 37.7 (on edge of hill next to tree)
/way 59.06 37.48 (near the female NE statue)
/way 59.3 38.3 (behind naga tent)
/way 60 17 (next to tree)
/way 60 27.8 (behind tree)
/way 60.1 35 (Next to broken pillar next to the middle of the road split)
/way 60.2 54.6 (near the shadowfiends under little half tent)
/way 60.4 46.7 (to the right of the blue teleporter cave)
/way 60 49 (bottom edge of the hill in Olivian Veil)
/way 61.1 30.4 (in the cave on the rock to the right)
/way 61.9 30.9 (behind tree up on hill)
/way 61.6 40.1 (next to tree near eye of Azshara portal)
/way 62.25 35.90 (By the trees)
/way 62.3 40.5 (next to naga tent)
/way 62.65 52.46 (Olivian Veil next to tree)
/way 62.2 54.7 (next to the tree)
/way 63.38 46.14 (Under tree)
/way 63.48 54 (Gloombound Barrow 63.48, 54.00 in the cave that you fight an eradar for the imps quest)
/way 64 34 (near the crossroads near the table in The Empyrean Society Enclave)
/way 65.4 29.5 (at felblaze inside stump of big tree)
/way 65.4 38.4 (On the hill)
/way 65.5 42.4 (next to water, near bridge in the corner of Hatecoil Warcamp)
/way 65.15 50.82 (Under tree)
/way 67.7 32.8 (Felblaze Ingress - down hill near water)
/way 67 46 (next to the log)
/way 67.1 52 (outside doorway to building -The Ruined Sanctum)
/way 68.2 24.3 (Farondale- north of the demon camp; very much visible from a great distance)
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YELLOW: Confirmed - WHITE: duplicate/not confirmed
Many people have asked me to help them obtain their mounts, and I have helped find several now but since it's a bit time consuming (between playing the game, gold exchanges, camel sales, etc), I stated it was going to slow down a little bit. Many people (and previous clients) have offered gold and requested that I start a service for this like I do with uldum camels.
That said, I'm currently creating a system for this and recruiting a team. If you're interested in offering gold for the team to find crystals for you, message me in game or on the website for any info. Or you can visit www.longforgottenhippo.com or check the official WoW Achievement forums here!
I will still be leaving all this information up here on the site and will constantly be updating it for people that decide to go for it on their own. Love seeing all the stories out there! So sweet!
Thanks everyone, and good luck!